If you are feeling suicidal?
You can get immediate help by calling the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255). To speak with someone in Spanish rather than in English, call 1-888-628-9454.
Having technical problems with the questionnaire or accessing your online program?
If you have any technical problems with filling out the questionnaires or downloading the online program that we recommend, you can call our hotline at 1-866-984-2644 or contact us via email at regrow@hsc.wvu.edu.
Having problems with your recommended program?
If you have a question about an app or online stress management program once you have begun using it, you can reach out to the company that produces it. You can find that information at the link we provide on the app page when we make the recommendation. You can also find that information within the app or program.
More about m-HELP

The m-HELP initiative is designed to link people with the online stress management programs that are best suited to their particular circumstances.

m-HELP was created by a group of internationally acclaimed researchers in the fields of psychiatry and psychology affiliated with leading universities around the world.

Over decades, mental health researchers have discovered tried-and-true approaches that reliably help people to cope with anxiety, stress, and depression.