If you are a Veteran or Appalachian resident aged 18 and over, you are eligible to participate in the RE-GROW research study. You’ll receive access to state-of-the-art online stress management programs at no cost. Your participation will also help others as we learn how to effectively help with stress using online programs.

Tell us how we can help you
Tell us about your health history, the stresses you are now facing and some of your likes and dislikes.

Try the program
We’ll send you an online stress management program that can help you address your particular concerns.

Give back
Help others by telling us about your experience.
If you are feeling suicidal, you can get immediate help by calling the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255).
1. Tell us how we can help you
The first step is to fill out our questionnaire that usually takes about 45 minutes to complete. It asks about your health history, the stresses you are now facing, and the kinds of help you are hoping to get from an online stress management program. If you prefer, you can break the 45 minutes up into 2 or 3 sessions spread out over a few days.
Within two days of submitting this questionnaire, you will be sent a link to a page on our website describing the recommended online program along with instructions for its installation and use. This page also contains the number of our technical assistance hotline that you can call if you have any problems getting started.
2. Try the program
We ask you to try the program for at least four weeks. By then, many people find that they are feeling calmer and less overwhelmed by uncomfortable feelings such as anxiety and sadness.
It is not uncommon to have trouble figuring out how to use the online program, or to be uncomfortable with the new ways of thinking and behaving that are recommended. But if you feel frustrated at the beginning, don’t let that get you discouraged! You can put the program down and come back to it the next day, trying it for 15 minutes at a time until you become more comfortable with it.
3. Give back
We will send you two 5-minute check-in surveys and a short follow-up questionnaire within the first month. We will get back in touch with you over the next year and ask you to complete 3 more short follow-up questionnaires. If you found the online program helpful, we want to know so that we can recommend it to other people. If you did not find it helpful, your feedback can help us determine whether to continue recommending it to other people. Your cooperation is much appreciated!
More about m-HELP
The m-HELP initiative is designed to link people with the online stress management programs that are best suited to their particular circumstances.
m-HELP was created by a group of internationally acclaimed researchers in the fields of psychiatry and psychology affiliated with leading universities around the world.
Over decades, mental health researchers have discovered tried-and-true approaches that reliably help people to cope with anxiety, stress, and depression.